
In 2019, Cruise the Saint Lawrence launched a broad initiative aimed at integrating the principles of sustainable development into all action at all levels. To define our strategy, we sought input from all ports of call and association members, and consulted with Québec environmental groups as well as government and marine industry partners.

Our convictions are as follows:

  • The success of cruises is based on the maintain and the well-being of host communities and the creation of collective and sustainable value for all.
  • We can positively influence the cruise industry through a powerful leadership to tackle social and environmental issues.
  • It is by working together that the stakeholders of the St. Lawrence river will make it attractive, welcoming and sustainable.
  • When it comes to communication, active listening, transparency and honesty are the basis of a constructive and respectful dialogue.

Our vision

The cruise industry contributes to the socio-economic vitality of Québec and its regions while participating in the preservation and regeneration of ecosystems.

The Saint Lawrence destination offers a human and sustainable experience with a positive impact through connexions we build between visitors and host communities, maritime, touristic and scientific stakeholders.

Guideline 1:

Be an actively involved player, foster dialogue and create strategic alliances 


  • Communicate regularly and transparently about destination sustainable development challenges and achievements
  • Help make sustainable development a topic of central importance for the cruise sector and position stakeholders  as contributors to destination strategy
  • Engage fully with all Saint Lawrence players within the cruise sector and beyond

Guideline 2: 

Create shared value with local communities and industry players


  • Inspire cruise lines and passengers to ‘buy local’
  • Promote responsible tourist attractions and organizations with passengers
  • Enhance local community visibility and culture through activities on offer
  • Maximize the economic impact of cruise-based tourism 

Guideline 3: 

Situate the passenger at the heart of a responsible, people-based experience 


  •  Use destination greeting procedures as a lever for fostering responsible passenger behaviour
  • Place the different Destination Saint Lawrence cultures at the heart of the passenger experience 

Guideline 4: 

Reduce, to the maximum extent possible, cruise industry impact on climate change and protect host community ecosystems


  •  Initiate tangible action to minimize destination/sector impact on climate change
  • Protect and help restore ecosystems upon which the tourism industry depends
  • Reward ecoresponsible behaviour by key destination players 


Want to learn more?

Check out the following sections:

Best practices Protecting whales